Sunday, April 08, 2007

Easter: in the quiet tomb

This morning at the 10:00 a.m. Mass at the Cathedral of St Paul, Archbishop Flynn urged his hearers to consider Easter as a place, the empty tomb. There, God invites us to enter the quiet emptiness out of the nothingness of our own lives,... despair, struggle, defeat, hopelessness.

Once we look in and enter the tomb we become the object of a new creation, which God brings into new life out of nothingness.

How true!

"Faith in the Resurrection of Jesus says that there is a future for every human being; the cry for unending life which is a part of the person is indeed answered. Through Jesus we do know 'the room where exiled love lays down its victory.'

He himself is this place, and he calls us to be with him and in dependence on him. He calls us to keep this place open witrhin the world so that he, the exiled love mat reappear over and over in the world...

God exists: that is the real message of Easter. anyone who even begins to grasp what this means also knows what it means to be redeemed."

Benedict XVI

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