Thursday, May 24, 2007

Make friends with mammon...

... with mammon make friends.

"And I tell you, make friends for yourselves by means of unrighteous mammon, so that when it fails they may receive you into the eternal habitations."

Luke 16:9

From Catholic World News:

Record gift to New York archdiocese comes from atheist

New York, May. 24, 2007 ( -

The New York archdiocese has received a record-breaking gift of $22.5 million from an atheist.
Robert Wilson, a retired financier, has given the sum-- the largest single donation ever recorded by the Church in New York-- to a program that will pay tuition for needy children attending New York's parochial schools.

Explaining his decision to make the grant to a Catholic charity, Wilson pointed out that his money would be used to pay for the education of children, rather than for specifically religious purposes.

While he is not religious, Wilson indicated a deep respect for the Catholic faith. "Let's face it," he told a reporter: "without the Roman Catholic Church there would be no Western civilization."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting. Set aside the sad state of Catholic education - that money given to educate children in Catholic schools is not seen as a "specificlly religious purpose - and we have an example of a wealthy atheist seeing and accepting that which the EU could not abide... That the very foundation of Western Civilization is build upon the Church.