Tuesday, May 22, 2007

What can you do?

"With regard to the fear about whether or not I was in a state of grace, the Lord told me: "Daughter, light is very different from darkness. I am faithful. Nobody will be lost unknowingly. They who find security in spiritual favors will be deceived. True security is the testimony of a good conscience. But people should not think that through their own efforts they can be in light or that they can do anything to prevent the night, because these states depend on my grace.

The best help for holding on to the light is to understand that you can do nothing and that it comes from me. For even though you may be in the light, at the moment I withdraw, the night will come.
This is true humility: to know what you can do and what I can do."

St. Teresa of Avila (+1582) Doctor of the Church, Reformer of the Carmelite order

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